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A Unique Personal Injury Firm

Trust a Dependable Team for Personal Injury Law – We Treat Personal Injury Cases Differently

Personal injury law is a competitive area of practice. Almost every law firm has a personal injury division ready to accept as many clients as possible, increasing volume and profit while sacrificing client connection along the way.

At Gittens & Associates, our personal injury lawyers in Newfoundland see personal injury law differently. Our team tends to focus on more serious claims that involve clients who have undergone severe injuries. The team guides clients through a range of therapies and treatments, seeking the professional opinions of physicians, physiotherapists, chronic pain clinicians and a variety of other experts.

The Gittens & Associates team focuses on litigation and courtroom advocacy. Our team is unafraid to press an issue all the way to the courtroom, helping safeguard your rights at every turn following an injury or accident.

Read a recent profile of our approach to personal injury law on Fine Lifestyles magazine’s website or download a PDF version for your records. Contact us today to learn more about how our personal injury team can assist you following an accident.

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